Published in the Pasadena Independent
An expert in juvenile dependency cases, Vincent W. Davis, Esq., is meeting with parents to share tips and strategies on how to help their court-appointed attorney get their kids back – sooner.
If your children have been removed from the home, this can be a critical time for many parents and families. But, they may be able to avoid missteps and errors in the process by becoming as knowledgeable as possible about the juvenile dependency system. Per Attorney Davis, “You can’t win, if you don’t know how.”
Mr. Davis is rolling out a series of free workshops to help parents learn about the juvenile justice court system, understand procedures and alternatives, conduct their own investigation, ensure the right witnesses are in court, and most importantly, arm them with the information they need to assist their court-appointed attorney.
Mr. Davis will offer guidance, recommend strategy, build confidence and teach parents how to avoid missteps in the legal proceedings that may result in delays in getting the children returned to the home.
The next free seminar (complimentary parking; continental breakfast & more) is November 15th, 2014, in Pasadena, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and entitled “Fight Child Protective Services and WIN”.
For more details and registration information, go to:
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Source Beacon Media News