Candidates Media Training
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Join us Saturday, April 13, 2019 for media training. This hands-on workshop will get you in-front of studio cameras, practicing and getting help preparing for that moment in the spotlight. The April 6th event takes place from 10am to 2pm in West Covina, with a catered lunch. This event takes place in partnership with Make California Great Again, Inc. The media training is not only for candidates, but for anyone who represents a political organization that might have to speak to the media. Call 626-344-8314 or e-mail training @ for more details.
Trainer Tami DeVine has worked in broadcast journalism for more than 20 years. She has trained people domestically and internationally and turned many into professional broadcast TV stars, even those with little to no previous experience on-camera. Tami stays current on national and international politics. She knows what questions the media will ask candidates or their representatives and why, and can provide training to help you avoid falling into “gotcha” traps from hostile interviewers. You’ll also learn how to behave and how not to behave in newsrooms and on-set in TV studios, how to get the attention of journalists and producers, and you’ll receive practical hands-on training on-camera so you can look and sound your best when you get called for an interview.
Arrive camera-ready for the training and dress in business professional attire. For an additional fee you can receive your own 3-5 minute on-camera interview to post to your social networks, explaining your platform and letting voters know why they should choose you in the next election.
These trainings take place in groups of five or more at $300 per person. Some special discounts apply. So get a group of like-minded candidates, campaign managers, and other political folks together and call to schedule a training session. 626-344-8314.