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Wipe Out Your Library Fees By Helping Out Your Altadena Community

ccn_toyeventCity officials say that in the spirit of the holiday season, The Altadena Library is offering payees the opportunity to clear out their late fees. They say if you participate in the Altadena Sheriff Station’s annual holiday food and toy drive, those library fines will disappear because of your gracious contribution.

Starting on Monday, Nov. 26th through Friday, Dec. 8th, administrators say they will accept any non-perishable food or new toys to help wipe away your library debt. They say six canned goods, three non-perishables, and three toys will clear up to $50 in fines. Take advantage in this gift-giving occasion and bring your donations to theĀ Altadena Main Library located on 600 E. Mariposa Street or to Bob Lucas Branch Library on 2659 N. Lincoln Avenue so you start your New Year right.