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Letter to the Editor: Dishonesty from Napolitano

Published in the Pasadena Independent

Dear Editor:

I am an honorably discharged military veteran (1964-1970). I volunteered in the Vietnam War and served to support our democratic system.

Now, I find that our Congressional rep, Grace Napolitano, who seeks re-election, still lives in Norwalk! She has never lived among us in our district. Yes, she lives far and away and cannot even vote for herself. She pays no taxes here–she doesn’t walk among us, but occasionally appears at local events to promote herself, and then races back to her Norwalk home or her home in D.C.

And this is allowed? I was disgusted hearing her state, “With my re-election, we will still have two strong Latinas in Congress.” This was her explanation for her distasteful Machiavellian deal with Congresswoman Sanchez to not run against each other. So Ms. Grace saddled up and decided to “grace” us with her non-presence among us as she ponders our needs in her Norwalk home or in her D.C. abode. She asks you and me to vote for her. She cannot even vote for herself. And this is right? Of course it is not. Added to that, I have now learned that she loaned money to her own campaign. She then proceeded to pay herself back, adding 18% interest with money from contributions, without ever informing donors. When asked about this by a reporter Grace responded, “Banks charge interest…what’s wrong with me doing the same?” So much for transparency.

Finally, when Ms. Grace physically moves inside our 32nd Congressional District, she might earn my vote. Due to her lack of residency here, there is no way I can in good conscience ever vote for her. My representatives must live among us and be as one of us, paying local taxes like we do here. Mr. Alas, Candidate for Congress, does live inside our district, is no stranger here, and is no intruder.

My vote goes to Mr. Alas. I can do no other.

David Siegrist
El Monte.

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